Guest Post: 10 Quick Tips to Grow Your Business by Nancy Becher
I have some really smart friends and acquaintances and sometimes when we chat about business, I learn things that I want you to learn too! So, let me introduce you to my acquaintance, Nancy Becher. Nancy is a business coach and disability advocate. She provides...GUEST ARTICLE: Simple Tips of a Better Graphic Design: From Concept to Completion
Simple Tips of a Better Graphic Design: From Concept to Completion by Aubrey @ Content Camp Fire You need no introduction to the seven basic elements of good graphic design – line, color, texture, size, shape, space and value. They are, after all, the lifeblood...
Guest Blog: Interviewing Tips for Small Business Owners
As a graphic designer in Orange County, California that works with a lot of small businesses, I get asked a lot of questions about growing a company and hiring help. Unfortunately, this isn’t my specialty, but It is the specialty of my friend and colleague,...
LESS IS MORE: WHAT HALLOWEEN AND HITCHCOCK CAN TEACH YOU ABOUT ADVERTISING This month I have a treat for you!! A guest blog from the amazing blogger (and my best friend) Reina Victoria of A Dash of Gonzo! It’s October, so ‘tis the season