According to Forbes a consistent presence on all platforms can increase revenue by 23%. Consistent here doesn’t mean doing something as part of a routine. It means repetition. Sharing the same things, in the same way, no matter where you happen to be sharing your message.

Your message needs to be consistent, something you say and share and act on again and again. This can be your big “Why choose us” message and it can be your smaller “Here’s our offer” message. But what you say and how you say it needs to look and sound the same across all platforms from social media to in-person interactions with clients.

It also means that how things look from social media posts to packaging to staff uniforms all need to blend together and stay stable. No big changes from one thing to the next. keep the colors, fonts and overall feel of things stable. There’s a really popular telephone company that is a good example of this, they use a 3-color palette of bright pink, white, and black with a simple modern feel. It shows up on their TV commercials, their social media posts, their uniforms even the sleek look of their stores.

One of the things that happen a lot with older companies is that they start to “patchwork” how their brand acts, looks, talks, and more. They take pieces of the old content and pieces of new content and ultimately it makes them a little confusing to people especially if they’ve gone through a lot of big changes recently. There’s always going to be a “messy middle” when a company is making a big transition, but overall keeping everyone on the same page and sharing the same values, mission, messages, and images will help the company make that transition much more quickly.

Why is so much repetition needed? Have you ever read a story to a small child and every night they want the same story read to them in the same way? It’s the same here with your business. It’s comfortable, they know what to expect. Plus, it helps people remember you. you want to be remembered by people because if they remember you, they’re more likely to shop with you!


Alright, that’s all I’ve got this week!  Remember if you need help from me I’m just an email away!