Alright, I have a guest post for you! One of my very smart friends, Cindy Sanchez, is here to share some tips with us! Cindy is a breast cancer survivor who wanted to live a healthier and more non-toxic life which is why she became an independent consultant with Epicure.  She now helps her clients do the exact same thing — lead healthier lives! Connect with Cindy here!

Without any more hype, here are Cindy’s Healthy Eating Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

Plan your meals. Unplanned meals lead to unhealthy eating…fast food, takeout, food additives, and more.  Salad and protein bowls are super easy to make, fun, delicious, and healthy.  They also can be eaten anywhere without having to heat them up.  Buy the ingredients you will need and prepare them on Sunday.

Make sure ingredients such as avocado and dressings are added the day you eat the salad or protein bowl.  Use small containers for your dressing and add it right before you eat.  This way your lunch will be fresh instead of soggy.   There are healthy and tasty dressings you can make at home in literally less than 5 minutes.  So you have access to a variety of flavors and thus eliminate meal boredom.

Protein bowls contain at least four ingredients: A healthy fat, lean protein or dairy, complex carb, and vegetables.  Make sure you use complex carbs such as quinoa or brown rice, sweet potato or yam, non-GMO corn, black beans, or bread (served on the side).

Healthy fats include raw nuts and seeds, healthy salad dressing, avocado, and hemp hearts.  The fat portion of the meal should be the smallest.  Items with an olive oil base such as artichoke hearts and olives are always a healthy addition to the dish.

Don’t forget to get creative by adding variety.  Each lunch should have some different ingredients.  Yes, your base is made up of leafy greens and veggies, but don’t get stuck on that.  Have a lettuce base with cherry tomatoes, cucumber, lean chicken, brown rice, and avocado one day.  The next day have spinach, shredded cabbage, chopped bell pepper, black beans, corn, and a delicious healthy salad dressing.  Mix it up!  After all, variety is the spice of life.